Little helper script
#! /usr/bin/pwsh
# TODO: Consider using named parameters which require '-':
# param ($f1, $f2)
function RemoveUnusedDockerContainersAndVolumes {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - removes all unused Docker containers & volumes."
docker container prune -f && docker volume prune -f
function RemoveUnusedDockerVolumes {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - removes all unused Docker volumes."
docker volume prune -f
function StopAndRemoveAllDockerContainers {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - stops and removes all Docker containers."
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker container prune -f
function StopAndRemoveUnusedDockerContainersAndVolumes {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - stops and removes all Docker containers and removes all unused Docker volumes."
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker container prune -f && docker volume prune -f
function SpinUpNewMysqlDockerContainer {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - spins up new MySQL Docker container and copies env vars to clipboard."
$currentContainer = docker ps -f "name=local_mysql" --format "{{.ID}}"
if ($null -eq $currentContainer) {
Write-Host "No MySQL container found. Spinning up new container..."
} else {
Write-Host "MySQL container found. Stopping and removing container..."
docker stop $currentContainer && docker container prune -f
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
docker run --name=local_mysql --env=MYSQL_DATABASE=test --env=MYSQL_PASSWORD=test --env=MYSQL_USER=test --env=MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test -p 3306 -d mysql:8.0 --character-set-server=latin1 --collation_server=latin1_swedish_ci --log-bin-trust-function-creators=1
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$mysqlPortOutput = docker port local_mysql
$mysqlPort = $mysqlPortOutput.Split(":")[-1]
Write-Host "MySQL container accessible on port: "$mysqlPort
$testEnvVars = "MYSQL_URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost:$($mysqlPort)/test;MYSQL_USERNAME=root;MYSQL_PASSWORD=test" # Change accordingly
Set-Clipboard -Value $testEnvVars
Write-Host "Copied to clipboard: $($testEnvVars)."
Write-Host "Open the run configuration for any test and paste as environment vars."
Write-Host "In case of errors above, clean up with: 'docker stop `$(docker ps -f `"name=local_mysql`" --format `"{{.ID}}`") && docker container prune -f'."
function GetMysqlDockerContainerPortNumber {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - copies MySQL Docker container port number to clipboard."
$sql_docker_container=$(docker ps | Select-String -Pattern "mysql:")
if ($null -eq $sql_docker_container) {
Write-Host "Port number not found. Check if MySQL container is running."
} else {
$port_number=$sql_docker_container -replace '.*:(\d+).*', '$1' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
Set-Clipboard -Value $port_number
Write-Host "MySQL port number ($port_number) copied to clipboard."
function GetMysqlDockerContainerId {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - Sets the MySQL Docker container id as a variable."
$sql_container_name=$(docker ps | Select-String -Pattern "mysql:")
if ($null -eq $sql_container_name) {
Write-Host "Container not found. Check if MySQL container is running."
} else {
$containerId = $sql_container_name.Line.Split(" ")[0]
Set-Clipboard -Value $containerId
Set-Variable -Name cn -Value $containerId
Write-Host "MySQL container id ($containerId) copied to clipboard and set as `$cn."
function ExecuteCommandInMySqlContainer {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - Executes a MySQL command in a Docker container e.g. container_name::SHOW DATABASES."
$parts = $arg -split "::"
if ($parts.Count -gt 2) {
Write-Host "Warning: More than two parts (separated by '::') detected. Only part 1 (as container name) and 2 (as command) will be used."
if ($parts.Count -lt 2) {
Write-Host "Warning: You've not provided enough query parts (separated by '::'). Trying to fetch container name for you..."
Write-Host "Looking for container with name '$containerName' to execute command: '$arg;'."
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f "name=$containerName" --format "{{.ID}}") bash -c "mysql -u test -ptest -e `"$arg;`""
$containerName = $parts[0]
$command = $parts[1]
Write-Host "Looking for container with name $containerName to execute command: $command."
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f "name=$containerName" --format "{{.ID}}") bash -c "mysql -u test -ptest -e `"$command;`""
function CopyInfraVariablesToClipboard {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - Copies variables for running local infra with localstack and MySQL to clipboard."
$mysqlPortOutput = docker port local_mysql
$mysqlPort = 'ERROR'
if ($null -eq $mysqlPortOutput) {
Write-Host "Error: MySQL container not found. Check if MySQL container is running."
} else {
$mysqlPort = $mysqlPortOutput.Split(":")[-1]
Write-Host "MySQL is accessible on port: "$mysqlPort
$localstackPortOutput = docker port local-localstack-1
$localstackPort = 'ERROR'
if ($null -eq $localstackPortOutput) {
Write-Host "Error: Localstack container not found. Check if Localstack container is running."
} else {
$localstackPort = $localstackPortOutput.Split(":")[-1]
Write-Host "Localstack is accessible on port: "$localstackPort
$testEnvVars = "LOCALSTACK=$($localstackPort);MYSQL_URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost:$($mysqlPort)/test;MYSQL_USERNAME=root;MYSQL_PASSWORD=test" # Change accordingly
Set-Clipboard -Value $testEnvVars
Write-Host "Copied to clipboard: $($testEnvVars)"
function GetPortInfo {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - lists TCP connections (optional: using port number specified)."
$port = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter port number"
Write-Host ""
if ($port -eq [string]::empty) {
netstat -nao
} else {
netstat -nao | findstr "PID :$port"
$foundProcesses = netstat -nao | findstr "PID :$port"
$activePortPattern = ":$port\s.+LISTENING\s+\d+$"
$pidNumberPattern = "\d+$"
if ($foundProcesses | Select-String -Pattern $activePortPattern -Quiet) {
$matched = $foundProcesses | Select-String -Pattern $activePortPattern
$firstMatch = $matched.Matches.Get(0).Value
$pidNumber = [regex]::match($firstMatch, $pidNumberPattern).Value
Get-Process -id $pidNumber
$action = Read-Host -Prompt "`nAction ([k] kill, [ENTER] none)"
switch ($action) {
{$_ -eq "k" -or $_ -eq "kill"} { taskkill /pid $pidNumber /f }
default { Write-Host "No action taken."; break }
} else {
Write-Host "No matching process found."
function GetProcessInfo {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - returns information about process for a given PID."
$process_id = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter PID"
if ($process_id -eq [string]::empty) {
Write-Host "No PID provided."
} else {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Get-Process -id $process_id | Select-Object *
function GenerateUlidSilently {
$ulid_encoding = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"
$ulid_encoding_length = $ulid_encoding.Length
$time_now = [UInt64]((([datetime]::UtcNow).Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000)
$created_string = ''
for ($i = 10; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
$Mod = [int]($time_now % $ulid_encoding_length)
$created_string = $ulid_encoding[$Mod] + $created_string
$time_now = ($time_now - $Mod) / $ulid_encoding_length
$timestamp_component = $created_string
$created_string = ''
$random = [random]::new()
for ($i = 16; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
$random_index = [int]([math]::Floor($ulid_encoding_length * $random.NextDouble()))
$created_string = $ulid_encoding[$random_index] + $created_string
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1
$random_component = $created_string
$ulid = $timestamp_component + $random_component
Set-Clipboard -Value $ulid
function SwitchTo-Java17 {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - switches to specified Java version."
$Env:JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-" # Change accordingly
Write-Host "Java Adoptium Temurin 17 activated."
function SwitchTo-Java19 {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - switches to specified Java version."
$Env:JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\" # Change accordingly
Write-Host "Java Adoptium Temurin 19 activated."
function ToggleGradleInitFile {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - renames init.gradle file to activate/deactivate it."
$gradleFolder = Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath ".gradle"
$initFile = Join-Path -Path $gradleFolder -ChildPath "init.gradle"
$inactiveInitFile = Join-Path -Path $gradleFolder -ChildPath "INACTIVE_init.gradle_INACTIVE"
if (Test-Path -Path $initFile -PathType Leaf) {
Rename-Item -Path $initFile -NewName "INACTIVE_init.gradle_INACTIVE" -Force
Write-Host "Outcome: Deactivated i.e. renamed init.gradle to INACTIVE_init.gradle_INACTIVE"
# Check if the INACTIVE_init.gradle_INACTIVE file exists
elseif (Test-Path -Path $inactiveInitFile -PathType Leaf) {
Rename-Item -Path $inactiveInitFile -NewName "init.gradle" -Force
Write-Host "Outcome: Activated i.e. renamed INACTIVE_init.gradle_INACTIVE to init.gradle"
else {
Write-Host "Error: No init.gradle or INACTIVE_init.gradle_INACTIVE file found."
function GenerateUuid {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - generates random UUID."
Set-Clipboard -Value $uuid
Write-Host "UUID ($uuid) copied to clipboard."
function GenerateUlid {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - generates random ULID."
$ulid_encoding = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"
$ulid_encoding_length = $ulid_encoding.Length
$time_now = [UInt64]((([datetime]::UtcNow).Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000)
$created_string = ''
for ($i = 10; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
$Mod = [int]($time_now % $ulid_encoding_length)
$created_string = $ulid_encoding[$Mod] + $created_string
$time_now = ($time_now - $Mod) / $ulid_encoding_length
$timestamp_component = $created_string
$created_string = ''
$random = [random]::new()
for ($i = 16; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
$random_index = [int]([math]::Floor($ulid_encoding_length * $random.NextDouble()))
$created_string = $ulid_encoding[$random_index] + $created_string
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1
$random_component = $created_string
$ulid = $timestamp_component + $random_component
Set-Clipboard -Value $ulid
Write-Host "ULID ($ulid) copied to clipboard."
function FixPackageJsonPortsNames {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - Recursively searches through a repo for package.json files and replaces all occurrences of '-p `${PORT:=3000}' with '-p 3000'."
Write-Host "Fetching files..."
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\path\to\repo" -Filter 'package.json' -Recurse -File
foreach ($file in $files) {
if ($file.DirectoryName -notmatch '\\node_modules\\' -and $file.DirectoryName -notmatch '\\prisma\\' -and $file.DirectoryName -notmatch '\\db\\' -and $file.DirectoryName -notmatch '\\jest\\' -and $file.DirectoryName -notmatch '\\.next\\') {
Write-Host "Processing file: $file..."
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($file)
$newContent = $content.Replace("-p `${PORT:=3000}","-p 3000")
if ($content -ne $newContent) {
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($file, $newContent)
Write-Host "Modified: $file."
Write-Host "Done!"
function Help {
Write-Host "Action: "$function" - lists available commands."
Write-Host "[ Docker ]"
Write-Host "drcv : Remove unused containers and volumes"
Write-Host "drv : Remove unused volumes"
Write-Host "dsrc : Stop and remove all containers"
Write-Host "dsrcv : Stop and remove all containers and volumes"
Write-Host "nmc : Spin up new MySQL container and copies environment variables to clipboard"
Write-Host "mp : Copy MySQL container port number to clipboard"
Write-Host "mid : Set MySQL container id as variable"
Write-Host "mc : Execute a MySQL command in a container (use with argument 'container_name::command' or just 'command')"
Write-Host "infv : Copies variables of running local infra with localstack and MySQL to clipboard"
Write-Host "[ System ]"
Write-Host "gp : Get TCP connections (for port specified)"
Write-Host "pr : Get process information for a given PID"
Write-Host "[ Java ]"
Write-Host "j17 : Switch to Java Temurin 17"
Write-Host "j19 : Switch to Java Temurin 19"
Write-Host "ginit : Set Gradle init file to active or inactive"
Write-Host "[ Utility ]"
Write-Host "uuid : Generate a random UUID"
Write-Host "ulid : Generate a random ULID"
Write-Host "ulids : Generate a random ULID silently i.e only copy to clipboard"
Write-Host "fixfe : Recursively searches for package.json files in a repo and makes ports Powershell syntax compatible"
Write-Host "? : Show this list of parameters"
function ExecuteParameter($function, $arg) {
if ($null -ne $arg) {
Write-Host "Argument: '"$arg"' - will be ignored if function does not require it."
switch ($function) {
{$_ -eq "nmc"} { SpinUpNewMysqlDockerContainer }
{$_ -eq "mp"} { GetMysqlDockerContainerPortNumber }
{$_ -eq "mid"} { GetMysqlDockerContainerId }
{$_ -eq "mc"} { ExecuteCommandInMySqlContainer($arg) }
{$_ -eq "j17"} { SwitchTo-Java17 }
{$_ -eq "j19"} { SwitchTo-Java19 }
{$_ -eq "gp"} { GetPortInfo }
{$_ -eq "pr"} { GetProcessInfo }
{$_ -eq "drcv" -or $_ -eq "drmcv"} { RemoveUnusedDockerContainersAndVolumes }
{$_ -eq "drv" -or $_ -eq "drmv"} { RemoveUnusedDockerVolumes }
{$_ -eq "dsrc"} { StopAndRemoveAllDockerContainers }
{$_ -eq "dsrcv"} { StopAndRemoveUnusedDockerContainersAndVolumes }
{$_ -eq "uuid"} { GenerateUuid }
{$_ -eq "ulid"} { GenerateUlid }
{$_ -eq "ulids"} { GenerateUlidSilently }
{$_ -eq "ginit"} { ToggleGradleInitFile }
{$_ -eq "fixfe"} { FixPackageJsonPortsNames }
{$_ -eq "infv"} { CopyInfraVariablesToClipboard }
{$_ -eq "?" -or $_ -eq "help"} { Help }
default { Write-Host "Error: Invalid parameter. No action taken."; break }
if ($null -eq $f) {
Write-Host "Need to provide one parameter (and optionally arguments). No action taken."
} else {
if ($null -ne $arg) {
ExecuteParameter $f $arg
} else {
ExecuteParameter $f
Write-Host ""
Save this script with any name (e.g. your name) and the
extension. Add the script’s location to PATH
in your
environment variables. Remember to update any locations used in the script (e.g. for switching Java versions). Then run
the script with e.g. kim ?
to display the available commands.Profile
# Initiates OMP styling
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config 'C:\Users\{...}\oh-my-posh\emodipt-kim.omp.json' | Invoke-Expression
# Shows navigable menu of all options when hitting Tab
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete
# Komorebi
#$Env:KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME = 'C:\Users\{...}\Documents\Komorebi'
#komorebic-no-console.exe start --config "C:\Users\{...}\Documents\Komorebi\komorebi.json"
# App sortcuts
Set-Alias -Name idea -Value 'C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Programs\IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate\bin\idea64.exe'
Set-Alias -Name webstorm -Value 'C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Programs\WebStorm\bin\webstorm64.exe'
Set-Alias -Name rider -Value 'C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Programs\Rider\bin\rider64.exe'
Set-Alias -Name c -Value clear
Set-Alias -Name '..' -Value cd..
Set-Alias -Name '...' -Value cd.. ; cd..
Set-Alias -Name '....' -Value cd.. ; cd.. ; cd..
Set-Alias -Name '.....' -Value cd.. ; cd.. ; cd.. ; cd..
Set-Alias -Name 'c' -Value clear
# Folder shortcuts
function fo {
switch ($args[0]) {
{ $_ -eq "user" -or $_ -eq "home" } { Set-Location -Path 'C:\Users\{...}' }
{ $_ -eq "downloads" -or $_ -eq "dl" } { Set-Location -Path 'C:\Users\{...}\Downloads' }
{ $_ -eq "proper" } { Set-Location -Path 'C:\Users\{...}\projects' }
default {
Write-Host "Error: Folder not recognised."
Write-Host "Recognised are: user/home, proper, dl/downloads."
# Allows opening files in VS Code e.g. 'fi ssh'
function fi {
switch ($args[0]) {
{ $_ -eq "ssh" } { code 'C:\Users\{...}\.ssh\config' }
{ $_ -eq "aws" } { code 'C:\Users\{...}\.aws\config' }
{ $_ -eq "profile" } { code 'C:\Users\{...}\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1' }
{ $_ -eq "kim" } { code 'C:\Users\{...}\Documents\PowerShell\Scripts\kim.ps1' }
{ $_ -eq "ahk" } { code 'C:\Users\{...}\Documents\AHK\shortcuts.ahk' }
{ $_ -eq "komokey" } { code 'C:\Users\{...}\Documents\AHK\komorebi.ahk' }
{ $_ -eq "komocon" } { code 'C:\Users\{...}\Documents\Komorebi\komorebi.json' }
default {
Write-Host "Error: File not recognised."
Write-Host "Recognised files are ssh, aws, kim, profile."