Get started
- Install with
choco install autohotkey.portable
. - Create your
file. - Make sure to set
as the default program to open .ahk
files. - Hit
Win + R
and type shell:startup
to open the Startup
folder. - Create a shortcut of your
file in the Startup
folder to run it on startup.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2
#SingleInstance Force
; Win + Shift + Q => Close active window
#+q:: PostMessage 0x112, 0xF060, , , "A"
; Win + O => Obsidian
#o::WinExist("ahk_exe Obsidian.exe") ? WinActivate() : Run("C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Obsidian\Obsidian.exe")
; Win + M => Explorer
#m::WinExist('ahk_class CabinetWClass') ? WinActivate() : Run('explorer')
; Win + T = Terminal
#t::WinExist("ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe") ? WinActivate() : Run("wt")
; Win + F => Firefox
#f::WinExist("ahk_class MozillaWindowClass") ? WinActivate() : Run("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe")
; Win + J => JetBrains Toolbox
#j::WinExist("ahk_exe jetbrains-toolbox.exe") ? WinActivate() : MsgBox("JetBrains Toolbox isn't visible but may be running. Opening the minimised window has not been implemented yet.", "Cannot open JetBrains Toolbox")
; Win + W => JetBrains Webstorm
#w::WinExist("ahk_exe webstorm64.exe") ? WinActivate() : Run("C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Programs\WebStorm\bin\webstorm64.exe")
; Win + I => JetBrains IntelliJ
#i::WinExist("ahk_exe idea64.exe") ? WinActivate() : Run("C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Programs\IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate\bin\idea64.exe")
; Win + C => VS Code
#c:: WinExist("ahk_exe Code.exe") ? WinActivate() : Run("C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe")
; Win + A => Aseprite
#a:: WinExist("ahk_exe Aseprite.exe") ? WinActivate() : Run("C:\Program Files\Aseprite\Aseprite.exe")
; Win + P => Postman
#p:: WinExist("ahk_exe Postman.exe") ? WinActivate() : Run("C:\Users\{...}\AppData\Local\Postman\Postman.exe")
; Win + S = Window Spy
#w::Run("C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey.portable\tools\AutoHotkey.exe C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\autohotkey.portable\tools\UX\WindowSpy.ahk")
; Win + Shift + F5 => Toggle Taskbar
#+F5::!WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") ? WinShow("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") : WinHide("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")
; Win + Right Mouse Button => Resize window
#RButton:: {
CoordMode("Mouse", "Screen") ; Mouse coordinates are relative to the screen
MouseGetPos(&startX, &startY, &WinID) ; Get the initial mouse position and the window ID
While GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
MouseGetPos(¤tX, ¤tY)
WinGetPos(&winX, &winY, &winW, &winH, "ahk_id " WinID)
newWidth := winW + (currentX - startX)
newHeight := winH + (currentY - startY)
startX := currentX
startY := currentY
if (newWidth > 50 && newHeight > 50)
WinMove(winX, winY, newWidth, newHeight, WinID)
Run("komorebic.exe retile",, "Hide") ; Retile the windows after resizing
; Win + Left Mouse Button => Move window
#LButton:: {
CoordMode("Mouse", "Screen") ; Set mouse coordinates relative to the screen
MouseGetPos(&startX, &startY, &WinID) ; Get initial mouse position and the window handle (ID)
WinGetPos(&winX, &winY, , , WinID) ; Get the window's current position
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
MouseGetPos(¤tX, ¤tY) ; Get the current mouse position
; Calculate the offset for window movement
offsetX := currentX - startX
offsetY := currentY - startY
; Move the window to the new position
WinMove(winX + offsetX, winY + offsetY, , , WinID)
; Update starting positions for "smooth" dragging
startX := currentX
startY := currentY
winX := winX + offsetX
winY := winY + offsetY
Run("komorebic.exe retile",, "Hide") ; Retile the windows after resizing
; |------------- HOTSTRINGS -------------|
; Today's date
CurrentDate := FormatTime(,"yyyy-MM-dd")
SendInput CurrentDate
; Time now
CurrentDate := FormatTime(,"hh:mm:ss")
SendInput CurrentDate